Offices open back up to the Public: June 15, 2021
Robin Dohrmann-District News
June 15, 2021 - WE ARE NOW OPEN!
Here are the new guidelines for Office Entry at SD5:
What-Will-June-15-Look-Like.pdfFace Mask Policy at SD5
Date: January 28, 2021
To: Neighbors of the SD5 Main Plant & Cove Road Pump Station
From: Tony Rubio - District Manager/Chief Plant Operator
Subject: Upcoming Night Time Work Thursday Night into Friday Morning (Feb 4-Feb 5)
In the District’s continued effort to protect public health and the receiving waters of the State of California, the District has been required to perform a cleaning activity during the low-flow hours of the night and into the early morning (between 11pm -5am), on an annual basis as preventative maintenance.
This annual preventative maintenance activity includes the cleaning of the grit chamber located at the front of the treatment plants office located at 2001 Paradise Drive. The grit chamber cleaning is accomplished via high-powered vactor trucks that operate to vacuum out all of the settled debris that has been deposited at the bottom of the chamber. If this activity is not performed on schedule, the District runs the risk of damaging plant equipment by allowing this debris to flow in to the plant uncontrolled.
The District understands that our neighbors closest to the plant – those in the Point Tiburon Bay Side Association, those located directly above us on Centro and Diviso streets, and those on Paradise Drive on the bay-side of the plant – may be affected by the noise and light emitted from the cleaning project. The District is providing this courtesy notice to you, our Neighbors, to warn of our upcoming mandatory annual (only once/year) activity, which ensures the safe and continued efficient operations of the SD5 Main Plant.
As part of this annual shutdown there will also be some night work performed at the Cove Road Pump station to install the connection valves for the new City of Belvedere sewage force main. This is one of the last critical aspects of the 2020 Cove Road Force Main Installation Project prior to its completion. The high-power vacuum trucks will not be required at this site as the system will be shutdown as part of the Main Plant activities. There will however be lighting and some power tools in use to accomplish this work. This work will affect those closest to the Pump Station located at the Corner of Cove Road and Barn Rd.
The cleaning activity and sewer force main tie in will begin on Thursday, February 4, 2021, starting at 11 p.m., continuing through 7 a.m. on Friday, February 5, 2021.
Please contact Tony Rubio, District Manager (415.435.1501, at ext. 106), with any questions.
We greatly appreciate your understanding while we conduct this required, preventative maintenance at Sanitary District No. 5’s Main Plant and the one-time sewer force main connection at the Cove Road Pump Station.